CloudFront – The parameter CNAME contains one or more parameters that are not valid.

Applies to: CDK, CloudFormation, Terraform

How to fix: “domainNames values MUST BE LOWERCASE

const distribution = new cloudfront.Distribution(this, "PublicSiteDistribution", {
            defaultBehavior: {
                origin: new origins.HttpOrigin(httpOrigin.toLowerCase(), httpOriginProps),
                viewerProtocolPolicy: cloudfront.ViewerProtocolPolicy.REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS,
                allowedMethods: cloudfront.AllowedMethods.ALLOW_ALL,
                cachePolicy: cloudfront.CachePolicy.CACHING_DISABLED,
                compress: false
            certificate: cert,
            domainNames: [""], //THIS VALUE MUST BE LOWERCASE
            minimumProtocolVersion: cloudfront.SecurityPolicyProtocol.TLS_V1_2_2021,
            priceClass: cloudfront.PriceClass.PRICE_CLASS_100,
            comment: `${environmentName} API distribution with custom https certificate`

Outlook Send and Receive Groups missing, emails not downloaded

If you stoped receiving emails and you note that “Send and Receive Groups” is missing from outlook try this.

  1. Close outlook and ensure that the process is not running in the background.
  2. Go to “C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook”
  3. Rename the .srs file to .old
  4. Reopen Outlook

You should start receiving your emails again and be able to see the send and receive groups.

System Accounts, Windows Services and regional settings

Windows services run under a user context, in general “Local System” or other system accounts.

When windows is installed for the first time, you create a default user account “Administrator” including regional setings, all the system accounts will be created using the same profile used for that “.Default” account.

That’s why using CultureInfo to change your Windows Service is not going to work.

If your System Accounts are running with undesired regional settings and you want to change that, follow these steps:

  1. Open ControlPanel
  2. Open Region and Language
  3. Click Administrative tab
    1. Click Copy Settings
    2. Check “Welcome screen and system accounts”
    3. Click Ok

An error occurred when trying to access the repository: No such file or directory – “git” –version –no-color

An error occurred when trying to access the repository: No such file or directory – “git” –version –no-color

 If you receive this error message in ChiliProject or Redmine, check you environments variables, be sure that “C:\Program Files\Git\cmd” is included in PATH environment variable.

InstallShield ShowMsiLog. Return value 1631

If your receive ShowMsiLog. Return value 1631 in Windows 2008

Review ShowMsiLog Custom action, the value should be

[SystemFolder]notepad.exe “[MsiLogFileLocation]”

instead of

[WindowsFolder]notepad.exe “[MsiLogFileLocation]”

In older OS versions, notepad.exe exists in SystemFolder and WindowsFolder, in Windows 2008 it only exists in SystemFolder.

InstallShield older than 2010 uses by default WindowsFolder.

If you create a new project using InstallShield 2010 it will create the custom action using SystemFolder

If you update a project from older versions, you will need to change this by hand.

For more information review InstallShield 2010 help

“Upgrading Projects from InstallShield 2009 or Earlier”


“Changes to the Way that a Log File Is Displayed from the SetupCompleteSuccess Dialog in Basic MSI Installations”

Error 2804.On activation of the control InstallNow on dialog ReadyToInstall CMsiDialog failed to evaluate the condition InstallNow.

There is no good explanation of this error message.

However I detected the folowing case.

Using InstallShield direct editor, I copied couple of rows from ControlEvent table to copy the events to another button, once pasted, I renamed the Dialog name and control. Inoticed that all fields had an extra sequential number at the end of the value, I fixed most of them, but I didn’t notice that the condition had a number at the end. That number produced Error 2804.

The condition had an incorrect format